Public Offer Agreement

Welcome to the "Offer" section of the GAME CITY CONFERENCE website. This section contains important information about the terms of participation in the conference, rules, and responsibilities of participants. Please read this information carefully before registering for our conference.

1. This document is an Offer that regulates the terms and conditions of Ticket sales.

2. The sale of Tickets to the Buyer is carried out exclusively on the terms of this Offer and through the service, and only in case of full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Offer by the Buyer (acceptance of the Offer). Partial acceptance, as well as acceptance on other terms, is not allowed.

3. If the Buyer does not fully accept the terms of this Offer, the sale of Tickets is not conducted. Purchased Tickets by the Buyer cannot be returned, including in the event of the Buyer's refusal based on disagreement with the terms of this Offer after acceptance of its terms and payment for the Ticket. Refunds for purchased Tickets by the Buyer are only possible in accordance with the procedure and conditions established by this Offer or the relevant section on the website regulating Delivery and payment.

4. This Offer becomes effective from the date of its publication on the website and is valid indefinitely or until the completion of the GAME CITY CONFERENCE.

5. The subject of this Offer is the provision of services to the Buyer for booking and arranging Tickets for the GAME CITY CONFERENCE in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this Offer.

6. Registration. Acceptance. Payment. Ticket.To participate in the GAME CITY CONFERENCE, you need to register through our online registration form and pay the corresponding fee. Registration is mandatory and confirms your participation in the conference.Acceptance of this offer consists of:• Choosing the type of ticket, either ONLINE CITY or OFFLINE CITY.• Filling in all required fields in the Visitor Questionnaire section.• Payment of the ticket cost.
After acceptance and payment confirmation, the Buyer will receive an electronic ticket via email with the option to print.
7. Terms of participation.The participant agrees to comply with the rules and instructions provided by the organizers during the conference.
8. DisclaimerThe organizers are not liable for any damages, losses, injuries, or injuries that may arise from participation in the conference. Participants are responsible for their own health, safety, and personal property during the conference.
9. Changes to the program and termsThe organizers have the right to make changes to the conference program, schedule of speeches, as well as change the terms of participation without prior notice. In case of significant changes, participants will be notified.
10. CopyrightAll materials presented during the conference are protected by copyright. Any use, distribution, or publication of these materials without the written consent of the authors is prohibited.
11. Withdrawal of participationIf there is a need to withdraw from participation in the conference, you can do so by notifying us no later than 4 working days before the start of the event. Please note that the ticket cost is not refundable if the withdrawal is received less than 4 working days before the start of the conference. Please be sure of your ability to participate before purchasing a ticket. Make sure you understand that our conference is a charity event, and all proceeds will be donated to support noble causes. By purchasing a ticket, you contribute to this initiative and support our mission. Please note that the purchased ticket for the conference is a kind of charitable contribution. The ticket cost is considered a donation to support charitable activities and is not refundable according to the above conditions.
12. Data protectionWe take all possible measures to protect the personal information you provide during registration. Please read our privacy policy for additional information.
13. Force majeure circumstances.In case it is impossible to hold the GAME CITY CONFERENCE due to force majeure circumstances, the funds paid for the ticket will be credited to the next event.

We greatly appreciate your participation in the GAME CITY CONFERENCE. If you have any questions regarding the terms of participation or conference rules, please feel free to contact us. Enjoy an engaging and fruitful experience at our conference!